Dr Zakir Naik :: Question and Answer

Dr Zakir Naik :: Question & Answer


Sourse:  http://zakirnaikqa.wordpress.com/
Q. As-salaam Alaikum – My name is Bilal Lala, and I am a revert – By profession, I happen to be a lecturer in computers. There is one question which has baffled me over the years, and that question is – Why does Islam permit a Muslim man, to marry woman of his choice, from Ahle Kitab… may be Jews or Christians, and the vice-versa is not permitted. Are the Muslim ladies, not Mushriks – Can you clarify?

A. (Dr. Zakir): Brother Bilal has asked the question, that Qur’an permits a Muslim man to marry a lady from the Ahle Kitab, but the vice-versa is not true – and he is correct. It is mentioned in Surah Mahida, Ch. No. 5, Verse No. 5, that… ‘On this day, it has been made lawful for you, all that is good and pure’. ‘The food of the people of the Book, has been made lawful for you – and your food has been made lawful for them’. And also besides… the women who are believers, even the women of the Ahlekitab, who are chaste, have been made lawful for you. Islam gives permission for a Muslim man, to marry a woman from the Ahle Kitab – why? Because, when a Christian or a Jewish lady, when she marries a Muslim man – after she marries… the family of the husband, will not abuse or insult any of her Proph­ets – because in Islam, we believe in all the Prophets of the Jews and the Christians – what Prophets they believe in, we believe in. We both believe in Adam, in Noah, in David, in Moosa, in Isaa (May peace be upon them all). Because we believe in all of their Prophets… the lady, when she enters a Muslim family, she will not be ridiculed. But the vice-versa – if a Muslim lady goes to a family of a Christian or a Jew… but natural, they do not believe in Prophet Muhammed (May peace be upon him), and she will be ridiculed. That is why, Islam gives permission for a Muslim man, to marry a girl from the Ahle Kitab, but the vice-versa is not true. Coming to the second part of the question that – are not these Muslim women, Mushriks?’ Brother is referring to an Ayat of the Qur’anShareef, of Surah Baqrah, Ch. No.2, Verse No. 221, which say that… ‘Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe – even a slave woman who is a believer, is better than a unbelieving woman, even if she allures you’. Means, even if the Queen of England… let her be the wealthiest lady, let the lady be the most beautiful in the world, still… a Zhaduwali, a slave woman, who is a believer, is much better than the best lady of the world… if she is an unbeliever. And the Verse continues… ‘Do not marry your daughters to the unbelieving man, until he believes, for a slave man who is a believer, is better than an unbeliever, even if he allures you’. Another Verse in the Qur’an tells you from Surah Maidah… (Arabic)… Ch. No. 5, Verse No. 72, it says that… ‘They are blaspheming, they are doing Kufr, those who say Jesus is, Christ the son of Mary, those who say Allah is Christ the son of Mary’. (Arabic)… But said Christ… (Arabic)… O children of Israel… (Arabic)… Worship Allah. (Arabic)… Who is my Lord, and your Lord… (Arabic.)… And any one who associates partners with Allah… (Arabic)… Allah will make Jannat, haram for him (Arabic)… And for him, he shall have no helpers, and fire shall be his dwelling place. From this Verse, we come to know, that all those who say… ‘Allah is Christ’, those who are saying… ‘Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), is God’…they are doing ‘Kufar’. And one Verse of the Qur’an, says… ‘You are allowed to marry these Kafirs.’ You will think, the Qur’an is contradicting itself – but as I told you, analyse the Qur’an, as a whole. There is one more Verse in the Qur’an, in Surah Imran, Ch. No. 3, Verse No. 110, which says… (Arabic)… ‘O ye are the best of the people evolved for mankind’ (Arabic)… ‘Evolved for mankind, and enjoining what is good, and forbidding what is bad’. (Arabic)… And believing in Allah… (Arabic)… It would have been better if the people of the book had faith… (Arabic)… Among them there are some who are ‘Momin’. Among the Ahle Kitab there some who are believers but the majority are perverted transgressors. So Qur’an says… ‘You are allowed to marry the women from the Ahle Kitab, who are believers, who are Momins – who do not believe that… Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him), is God, or son of God – but who believe, that Jesus (May peace be upon him), is a messenger of God, and they be­lieve in only one God. Hope that answers the question.
Q. What is the difference between the ideology of Islam, and the ideology of Hinduism?

A. Brother’s questions are very good – What are the similarities between Hinduism and Islam?… What is the difference in the ideologies?  And the Hindu Upanshads which even I have read, says that… ‘God is one… God is present everywhere’. And the Holy Qur’an also states that ‘Allah is the beginning, and the end’. The major difference, if you analyze… between Islam and Hinduism, that if you ask a common Hindu, that… ‘How many gods does he worship?’ Some may say… ‘Three’, some may say… ‘Ten’, some may say…‘Hundred’, while other may say… ‘Thirty three crores’… that is, ‘Three hundred and thirty million’. But if you ask a learned man, like the advocate who had mentioned very well, from the Scripture, that… ‘How many gods do the Hindus worship’. They well tell you… ‘One’ – But they  believe in the philosophy know as…as, Anthrophormorphism. Many people believe in the philosophy known as Anthrophormorphism –  that means, ‘God Almighty, he takes form… God Almighty’. The philosophy is good – that if you analyze… if you just hear it – In the face of it, it says that… ‘God Almighty’… and it  is many Religions… it  is not only Hinduism, but many other Religions say… like Christian, it says that ‘God Almighty… He is so Pure, and He so Holy, that He does not know that… how human being feel when he is hurt, how does a human being feel, when someone troubles him . So God Almighty came down in the form of human being, to lay down the rules for the human being… ‘What is good and bad, for the human being’. On the face of it, it is good logic, that… ‘God Almighty, He is so pure… He set the rules for the human being – He came down to face of the earth, to the set the rules for the human being – because He is so Holy, He is so pure… He does not know what is good, and what is bad, for the human being’. I give the example… ‘Suppose I create a VCR… a Video cassette recorder – I am an engineer, and if I create or manufacture, a Video cassette recorder, to know what is good or bad, for the Video cassette recorder’. No… I just write on instruction manual, that… ‘When you want to play the cassette… insert the Video cassette, press the play button… it will play. Press the stop button, the Video cassette will stop. Do not drop it from a height… it will get damaged. Do not immerse it in water… it will get spoilt’ – I write an instruction manual. If you say… ‘Human being is a machine’ – I would say… ‘It  is the most complicated machine’. Does it not  require an instruction manual? For the human being…it is the Holy Qur’an… it is the Holy Qur’an – The do’s and dont’s, for the human being. The last and final instruction manual is given in the Holy Qur’an – What is good and what is bad, for the human being. The common Hindu… he believes in the Philosophy of Pantheism… Pantheism – that means, ‘Everything is god’. What the common Hindu says is… ‘The tree is god, the sun is god, the moon is god, the human being is god, the monkey is god, the snake is god’. The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim is – what we Muslim say is that… ‘Everything is God’s – God with apostrophe ‘s’. If we can solve difference of apostrophe  ‘s’… we  Hindu and Muslims, will be united. How will you do it… The Qur’an says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 64. It says …(Arabic)….That there is no God but Allah…(Arabic)…‘That we associate no partners with Him, that we create not from ourselves, Lords and Patrons, other than Allah. Now if then, they turn back…then say: At least we are Muslims, bowing to Allah’s will’. How do you come to common terms… by analyzing the Scriptures of the Hindus and the Muslims. If you read the Bhagvagita… the Bhagvagita says in Ch. 7, V. 19 to 23… ‘All those who worship demi gods, all those do idol worship, they are materialistic people’. Who says that? – The Bhagvadgita says that – I am giving the reference… Ch. No. 7, V. No. 19 to 23, Among the Holy Scriputres… are the Vedas, the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samveda, and the Arthervaveda. The Rigveda deals with Songs of praises… the Rigveda deals with Songs of praises, the Yajurveda deals with Sacrificial formulas, the Samveda deals with melody, and the Arthurveda deals with Magical formulas. If you read the Yajurveda – the Yajurveda says on Ch. No. 32, V. No. 3… ‘Natasya Pratima Asti’… ‘Of that God, no image can be made’. The same Yajurveda, Ch. No. 40, V. No. 8 says… ‘God is image less, and body less – He has got no form, He has got no body’. The Same Yajurveda, Ch. No. 40, V. No. 9 says… ‘All those who worship the Asumbhuti, the natural things like air, water, fire… All those who worshipping the Asumbhuti, are in darkness’. And the verse continues…     ‘They are entering into more darkness. who are worshipping the Sambhuti – Sambhuti means… the created things. Who says that I am not quoting the Qur’an – I am quoting the Yajurveda Ch. No. 40, V. No. 9… ‘If you worship the Sambhuti, the created things… the table, chair, etc., you are entering more into darkness. The Hindu Scriptures says… ‘Ekkam Braham’.

‘There is only one God, not a second, not at all, not at all, not in the least bit’. The same Rigveda… which is the most sacred of all Vedas. The Rigveda says in Vol. No. 8, Ch. No. 1, V. No. 1 .                                           ‘All praises are due to Him alone’ – Alhamdullilah Hi Rabbul Alamin. Same as the Holy Qur’an, Surah Fathiha, Ch. No. 1, V. No. 1 to 2… Alhamdullilah hi Rabbul Alamin. The same Regveda, Vol. 6, Ch. No. 45, V. No. 16 says…‘There is only one God… Worship Him alone’.  Kul Huwallahu Ahad’…Say: Allah, He is one and only’. So if we read the Scripture of the Hindus and the Muslims, and if we analyse, we know that all the religious Scriptures, of all the various Religions, speak about Tawheed… speak about the concept of One God. So if you read the Scriptures, and if we know the difference of apostrophe ‘s’…

The Hindus and the Muslims well be united. Hope that answers  the question.
Q. My name is Balachandran – I work for an advertising agency in the city. This question of mine pertains to the Indian Muslim ‘In today’s world as thinks… the Indian Muslim has two identities. One is the Religion identity… which you get by the virtue of the fact that your one a Muslim – and secondly it is the allowed identity, which compresses basically of an ‘Hindu element’ and there is seen to be a conflict in the minds of the Muslims… at least some of them. To cut a long story short… I have some friends, in this august audience, who observe certain things which are essentially ‘Hindu’ in nature. There are people, who consult astrologers, with their horoscope… Muslim friends – People who observe Rahu Kalam. If this is a conflict… is there a conflict? Should there be a conflict… should this conflict exist?… What Qur’an says about it. Those people… would you disuade them, saying that they are lesser Muslim than you, or anybody else here. I hope that Dr. Zakir Naik will throw some light on it.

A. (Dr. Zakir): Brother has asked a very good question, regarding the Indian Muslim. As a matter of fact, it can be posed to any Muslim in any part of the world, that if you are a Muslim, can you follow the aspect of any other race, any other community, any other Religion, any other particular nation… whether it be India, or America, whether it be Europe. Basically, a Muslim by definition, as I said in my talk… ‘Is a person who submits  his will to Allah (SWT)… is a person who submits his desire, to God Almighty’. We can follow Indian culture, American culture, Western culture, as long as brother… Islam you can follow. If it does not go against the principle of Islam, you can very well follow. For e.g., people tell me…‘Can a woman wear a sari… It  is an Indian culture.’ Yes she can wear, if she follow the six criteria. The six criteria for Hijab in Islam, for a woman is that, her complete body should be covered – the only part that can be seen, is the face and the hands, up to the wrist. The clothes that she wears, should be loose, should not be tight… where it reveals the figure, Third is, it should not be transparent, that you can see through. Fourth is, wear. Fifth, it should not be that glamorous, that is attracts the opposite sex. Sixth, is it should not resemble that of an opposite sex. And if you want to wear a sari, the Islamic way… the pallu that you take, should cover your head… not a single strand of hair should be seen – Even the belly should not be seen…no other part of the body, should be seen. If you follow this,, you are following the Indian culture, without breaking the law. But if you say…‘I want to wear a sari, which is without a blouse, and showing the belly – so Islam does not give permission. Similarly, if you say in America, that…‘I want to wear a skirt, or mini’… it is not allowed. So you can very well follow the culture, as long as the culture does not go against the principle and teachings of Allah (SWT) – because for us, the teachings of our Creator, is more important because… He has created us.
Fortune telling is haraam in Islam by Dr Zakir

We have to support our nation…but the Person who gave life to us in their world, is God Almighty. So we owe more respect to Him, than anyone in this world, to any other government in this world – Otherwise we have to respect other people. If it does not go against the teaching of Allah (SWT), you can follow it. Regarding Astrology, you said that… ‘Can we talk about fortune telling, etc.?’ There is a verse from the Holy Qur’an says, from Surah Maidah, Ch. 5, V. 90… (Arabic)….‘Having intoxicants, worshiping anyone besides Allah (SWT), and fortune telling… these are Satan’s handiwork – Abstain from such handiwork, that ye may prosper’. I am not saying, that anyone can predict the future or not – Most of the people who say… ‘They can predict the future’… are pulling a fast one. Qur’an does not say that… one can predict, or people can predict. There may be few people who may having… have learnt this science. But every person to whom you go to, you say that… ‘See the person to whom I go to, is  a very good Jyotish’. Most of them, they take you for a ride. There are computers in which, you put the age, and you get the answer. There was a survey done in America, that one professor of Psychology, he thought a student of… classroom of 100 students, and at the end of the… end of the week, after the time of one week, he said… ‘I will write each one’s nature on the chit, each one’s nature on the chit… what did he do… what did he do’, on the piece of slip. And after I tell everyone… ‘Open the chit simultaneously, and then give your opinion… whether I was right or wrong. So the professor wrote… Student A, what his nature, about future, etc., so everyone, he gave a chit. Then afterwards, everyone received the chit – the professor said… ‘Now open the chit, and read, so everyone opened the chit and read it and they gave the opinion that… more 90% of the students said that… ‘The professor was 100% correct… professor was 100% correct’. The remaining 8 to 9% said… ‘He was 95% correct’. After that, the professor said that… ‘I wrote the same thing for all 100 students. So if I say… ‘Anything bad is going to happen to you in one month… something bad is going to happen’ – Even if thousand good things happen, something bad is found to happen. If I say… ‘Something good happened to you last year, even if a thousand bad things happened… something good things is happened. So these are vague statements, which are always true. So when you read in the paper, Libra is this… and so and so is this… and Leo is this – All this, is just pulling a fast… pulling a fast. So Qur’an says that… ‘Do not indulge’. There may be few people, who may be expert – I am not saying… ‘No’, but the Qur’an says that… ‘If you know things that you should not… how it will cause you more harm. Qur’an tells… ‘Abstain from fortune telling’ – Why?… because the things which you should not, now will cause you more harm… if you  will come to know. For e.g., if you go to astrologer, and he says that… ‘You are going to fail’. That person has come out first in the classroom always – The astrologer says… ‘He is going to fail’ – and he does not study… and he fails. And he blames who?… he blames God Almighty. See the person pulled you a fast one. The Astrologer came out to be true – Why?… because the person had blind believe in him. If he would have studied, he would have passed. Therefore Islam says, the Holy Qur’an says… ‘Do not indulge in fortune telling’. If any Muslim does that, goes against the… against the commandment of the Holy Qur’an – Surely he is not a good Muslim, he is not following this principle of Islam…  other principles he may follow – Hope that answers your question.
Q. I am Vyas, retired central government employee. My question is, freedom of expression is universally accepted principle -then why is a death sentence imposed on Salman Rushdie? scontinuation, what are the fundamental, ideological differences between shias and sunnis, which lead to their interminant clashes…what are its remedies? Thank you.

A. (Dr Zakir Naik): Brother has asked a very good question -that does Islam permit freedom of expression?… if so than why have the death sentence, given to Salman Rushdie? Brother, the complete answer is given in this cassette, in the Press debate organised by the Bombay Union of Journalists. The Times of India , Indian Express Journalist, Bombay Unit of journalists and the topic was …‘Is Religion a fundamentalism a stumbling block against the freedom of expression?’ It was held after the death sentence was passed on Taslima Nasreen, who wrote the book ‘Lajja’. This gives the detail, and in this debate there was a Hindu priest, there was a Christian priest, there was a person who translated Lajja into Marathi… Ashok Sahane, and myself from the Islamic side. This is a very good debate… this gives the detail about the Religious freedom. Some people say… ‘That in other Religions, there is total Religious freedom… anything you can say’. Some people say that… ‘Religious freedom is a stumbling block, in the freedom of expression’ – While the other speaker camp and said that… ‘There is no stumbling block in Islam. It depends upon the situation – I cannot give a blanket… yes or no. In short, I would say… If the freedom of expression is given – for example… for anyone to praise anyone, to glorify anyone, if he wants to praise anyone or glorify anyone, etc., Islam gives full permission… as long as he does not harm anyone and it is with proof.

Point No.1: He can say anything, as long as it does not harm anyone – If it does not harm anyone, it is fine.

Point No.2: If it harms anyone, these are two things with proof, and without proof. If it harms anyone, for example… abusing anyone.

As the Qur’an says… ‘Do not call each other, by nick names’. Abusing anyone with proof or without proof… just for slandering, it is not allowed. If you speak against someone with proof …with proof, it is allowed, for example I am working in a company… if the company is corrupted… I am speaking against the corruption of the company, Islam gives full freedom of expression… full. I should go and say that… ‘This company is corrupted… that it is cheating the human beings, etc’… with proof. But I cannot say…‘The boss is cheating’… without proof. Without proof if I say – I have got no right. If I say… I allege anything against any human being, I should have proof. Again Islam… if I say anything to any woman… even if I put a small allegation against her chastity… against her modesty, Qur’an says… ‘Produce four witnesses – If I cannot, you get eighty lashes.’ That means, you cannot… like in countries like America, England… you can abuse the girl, and get away with it. In Islam, if you abuse the girl and spoil her any name – and if you cannot produce four witnesses, you get eighty lashes. That is, we prove it… the modesty, with proof. You are allowed… with proof. If you get for eg… If you are working in a company, and get the proof that… this particular boss is corrupting the people, that he is corrupted – I can do with proof… Islam gives permission of… full freedom of expression. There are certain things… with proof also you cannot say, for eg… if I am working in the Indian army… I have got proof about its secret – I cannot go and sell it to the enemy. So here, freedom of expression is not allowed… with proof. If it causes loss to the people who are working… if it is against the country, I am taking the secret and selling it to the enemy of Government. Why… to profit with it money… just to get and lakhs rupees – Islam does not give permission. So for freedom of expression… depending which type of freedom do you believe in. If you believe that I can slander anyone, I can abuse anyone, and then say… ‘Freedom of expression’ – Islam does not give permission. Same thing if you analyse… book was released in U.K. – the book on Salmaan Rushdie… it was released in U.K. – I have given my view on that. You can refer to the Video cassette… ‘That there was a person who came from America, and he used a four letter word for Margaret Thatcher’s policy – he was banned. England believes in freedom of expression, but since he spoke against Margaret Thatcher, he was banned. So the same Salman Rushdie… I know besides, he has done wrong things… he has abused our Prophet, he has abused our Mother, he has abused… he has done wrong. Besides that, he has abused the whole human kind – People are not reading the book properly. I do not want to say the things, he has said. The first page, he abused the wonders – I cannot use that word… it  is an offensive word… I cannot use it. He says… ‘Magi the…’ – He calls her… ‘The female dog’. Islam does not give you the permission. Do you have the proof to call her a female dog. I do not want to use that… uses a letter word. And he says to Magi, offensive things – Magi is short form for, Margaret Thatcher. So Islam does not give permission… he even abuses Ram and Sita, in that book – people do not know that. I do not want to say, what he wrote for Ram and Sita, I do not want to say that. The best things I would like to do, is to congratulate Rajiv Gandhi, the first person… the first prime minister of any country in the world… he banned the book… I congratulate him. He may not be knowing, that he abuses Ram and Sita in the book. Salman Rushdie abuses Ram and Sita… Rajiv Gnadhi may not be knowing. I have read the book thought it is banned in India. I have read the book sure that speak on the  book I have read the book. So if anyone abuses anyone… If anyone abuses even your sister or mother, without proof… it is not allowed. Even in the Bible… if you read, the Bible says in the book of Leviticus, it says… ‘Anyone that blasphemeth the Lord… stone him to death – Anyone that blasphemeth the Lord… stone him to death’. So if anyone, depending upon the severity of the crime, you can give punishment. So if anyone abuses anyone without proof… without anything, Islam does not permit. That is the reason certain people who call death sentences extra. There are four options given in the Holy Qur’an… in Surah Maidah, Ch. No. 5, V. No. 33 to 35, it say… ‘If anyone wages a war against God Almighty, and his Prophet, and creates mischief in the land… either exile him, execute him, chop off his opposite hands and limbs – left hand… right leg or right hand… and left leg – or crucify him’. Four options… either execute, either crucify, chop off his opposite limbs, or exile him. See… this is a strict punishment. Why?… to see to it, that no one takes undue advantage in Islam. If anyone commits rape… Capital punishment – People may think it is a barbaric law. People and tell me…‘Islam in this age of science and technology. Capital punishment.’ See all the Religions speak good things – Hinduism says… ‘You should not tease a girl, you should not rape a girl’- Christianity says that, Islam says the same. The difference in Islam is… Islam shows you a way, how to achieve a state, in which no one will rape any girl. Every man… when he looks at a woman, and any unbrazen thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze. Whenever he looks at a woman, Qur’an says… ‘He should lower his gaze.’ That is his hijab, for the woman – She should be covered completely covered. The only part that can be seen… the face and the hands, up to the wrist. If two twin sisters are walking down the street… one is wearing the Islamic Hijab… that is, complete body is covered… the only part that is seen, is the face and hands up to the wrist – and the other… she is wearing a skirt and a mini. If around the corner, a hooligan is waiting for a catch – which girl will he tease… which girl will he tease? The two twin sisters, equally beautiful, walking down the street… one is wearing a skirt or mini… one is properly covered. Who will he tease?…The girl wearing the skirt or the mini! The Qur’an says that…‘Hijab has been prescribed to you…’ in Surah Ahzab, Ch.33 V No.59 ‘…So that it may prevent molestation.’ In America… everyday more than 1,900 cases of rapes, take place… in America. And if any one rapes, Islamic Shariah says… ‘Capital punishment’. – People say it is a barbaric law. I ask Non-Muslims… ‘If some one rapes your wife or sister, and if you are made the Judge… what punishment will you give him? All of them said that… ‘I will kill the rapist’. If someone rapes your wife, sister and you are made the judge… what punishment will you give him? – ‘Death penalty’. Some went to the extreme that…‘I will torture him to death.’ I am asking the question…If you implement the Shariah in America, where more than 900 rapes cases take place everyday – that every man who looks at a woman, should lower his gaze – the woman should be properly dressed up, and after that if someone rapes… capital punishment! Will the rate of rape increase, decrease or remain the same? It will decrease. That  is the reason, why the lease rate of rape, any country of the world… is in Saudi Arabia. Religions speak good… but Islam shows you a way, how to achieve that good state. Therefore Islam does not believe in slandering any one. No one can abuse  my mother, and get away in a Muslim country – in other countries… Yes! Freedom of expression… Islam believes in freedom of expression, where it is beneficient to humanity. Qur’an  says in Surah Isra, Ch. No. 17, V. No. 81 to 82….(Arabic)….‘When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes… for falsehood, is by its nature, bound to perish’. If it  is beneficient for the humanity, Islam promotes freedom of expression – if it is not, then Islam does not allow it. Regarding your second part of your question… What is the difference between the Shias and the Sunnis? Brother, the difference… it’s a political difference. Actually in Islam, there is nothing like Shia and Sunni – There is no ‘Shia’…. ‘Sunni’ mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.The Qura’n says in Surah Al-Imran, Ch. No. 3, V. No. 103… (Arabic)…‘Hold together to the rope of Allah, and be not divided’ – there is nothing like ‘Shia’…. ‘Sunni’ in Islam. These came in later centuries…afterwards, due to political differences in Islam. Muslims are only one category. Muslims that there one no sub categories like… Shia, Sunni or anything, in Muslim. Because Qur’an say clearly in Surah Anaam, Ch. No. 6, V. No. 159 that… ‘Who ever makes sects… divisions in Religion of Islam, he has nothing to do with Allah (SWT).’ Means, making sects is prohibited in Islam. The difference between Shia and Sunni is a political difference, and not a religious difference. Hope this answers the question.
Q. Many Imams recite the Quran very fast in ‘taraweeh’ and they perform ‘ruku’ and ‘sujood’ in a fast manner which makes it difficult for the follower to supplicate properly. Is it allowed to pray in this manner?

Praying Taraweeh Very FastA. (Dr Zakir Naik): It is very common in many of the mosques, because they want to finish the Quran in the month of Ramadan in ‘taraweeh’ so they make it as short as possible. They do recite very fast and very often you see they go into the ‘ruku’ and ‘sajood’ very fast and many times once I was in one of the mosques and when the imam went in the sujood I went after him and he got up again and went again I was still in my first sujood while he was doing the second sujood. So is it right or wrong? It is mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari, “Once the Prophet he enters the mosque and there is another man he follows him and the man offers salaah, after offering his salaah he wishes the prophet As-Salaam-Alykum , the Prophet greets back and he says that “go back and pray because you have not prayed!”, the man goes back and comes back to the prophet, the prophet again says “go back and pray as you have not prayed!”, so again the person goes the third time. He prays and he comes back. The Prophet again says “go back and pray for you have not prayed”, the third time the man says, “I cannot pray better than this, O Prophet please teach me how to pray.” So then the prophet says, “after saying the taqbeer you recite while standing in the qiyaam as much as you want then you bow down i.e. go into ‘ruku’ until you are at ease and then say “Subhana Rabil Adheem” (Glory be to Allah) (three times) and stand up straight until you are at ease then go in ‘sujood’ with calmness until you are at ease and then say “subhana rabil aala” (glory be to Allah who is most high) (thrice), then get up again till you are at ease and continue your prayer like that.” That means all specially your ‘ruku’ and ‘sujood’ and when you get up from your ruku and in between your ‘sujood’ you should be at ease. You can’t go up and down.  If you do that it is as though your prayer has not been accepted, it as though you have not prayed. So if you pray in such a manner the tarweeh like fast fast… It is like you have not prayed. So it is best you pray slowly with calmness and if you think you can’t offer 20 rakat then offer 8 rakat but with peace, ease and calmness and long. It should not be having competition with other mosques.
Q. Is the taraweeh prayer a fardh or sunnah? Can a person miss it?

A. (#DrZakirNaik):   As I discussed earlier as it is mentioned in the hadith that how Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed taraweeh and people joined him, the next day the news spread and when he came the next day the full mosque was filled, the third day it was overflowing and the 4th day purposely even though the mosque was overflowing the prophet did not come out for qiyam-ul-layl (taraweeh) and when he came for the fajar salaah he said, “it’s not that i didn’t know that people were waiting for me, the reason I didn’t come because I didn’t want offering the qiyam-ul-layl in Ramadan to be Fardh.” So from this hadith we come to know that it is not a fardh. But the other hadith of sahih bukhari in which our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “whoever offers the night prayer in Ramadan with the belief and seeking Allah’s reward all his past sins will be forgiven.” So from this we come to know that though it is not a fardh it is a very important sunnah. It is ‘sunnatil mokidah’, that means a very highly recommended sunnah of the Prophet. No Muslim should miss it unless he has a valid reason. He should try his best to offer it and seek Allah’s reward so that all his sins will be forgiven.
Q. Is the taraweeh prayer a fardh or sunnah? Can a person miss it?

A. (#DrZakirNaik):   As I discussed earlier as it is mentioned in the hadith that how Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed taraweeh and people joined him, the next day the news spread and when he came the next day the full mosque was filled, the third day it was overflowing and the 4th day purposely even though the mosque was overflowing the prophet did not come out for qiyam-ul-layl (taraweeh) and when he came for the fajar salaah he said, “it’s not that i didn’t know that people were waiting for me, the reason I didn’t come because I didn’t want offering the qiyam-ul-layl in Ramadan to be Fardh.” So from this hadith we come to know that it is not a fardh. But the other hadith of sahih bukhari in which our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “whoever offers the night prayer in Ramadan with the belief and seeking Allah’s reward all his past sins will be forgiven.” So from this we come to know that though it is not a fardh it is a very important sunnah. It is ‘sunnatil mokidah’, that means a very highly recommended sunnah of the Prophet. No Muslim should miss it unless he has a valid reason. He should try his best to offer it and seek Allah’s reward so that all his sins will be forgiven.
Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, Ch. 1069, Hadith No. 6265

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

“Do you know what is backbiting?” (The Companions) said: Allah and His Messenger know best. Thereupon (The Holy Prophet) said: “Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner  which he  does not like.”

It was said to the Prophet (pbuh): What is your opinion  about this that if I actually find (that failing) in my brother which i made a mention of. He said: “if (that failing) is actually found (in him) what you assert, you in fact  backbited him, and if that is not in him it is a slander.”
Q. What is the meaning of term ‘Qiyam-ul-Layl’ and how is it different from ‘Taraweeh’?

A. (#DrZakirNaik): As far as the word ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ is concerned it is broken into two words – ‘qiyam’ and ‘al-layl’. ‘Qiyam’ mean to stand and ‘al-layl’ means the night. So literally it means standing in the night but in the shariya (in Islamic context) it means it is a voluntary prayer which is prayed after Isha and before the break of dawn. And as we are aware Isha starts after the redness of sky disappears after sunset and you can pray the ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ just before the break of dawn i.e. just before the Fajar. So the word ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ was given because the person in this voluntary prayer he recites long verses of the Quran. So the standing is long so it is called standing in the night, and there are various different words called for the same ‘qiyam-ul-layl’. For example it is also called as ‘Salaat-ul-layl’ meaning the prayer at night. It is also called as ‘tahajud’. It is also called as ‘witr’ and also as ‘Taraweeh’. ‘Tahajud’ comes from the word ‘tahajada’ which means to wake up. So when a person sleeps and wakes up to pray it is called as ‘tahajud’ also. The other word used is ‘witr’ which means odd and Prophet always said that after Isha salaah we should offer ‘witr’ in odd rakats. The other word used is ‘taraweeh’ which comes from the Arabic word ‘rah’ which means to rest which means to relax. Because after few generations after the Prophet people when they used to read the ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in the Ramadan especially this word ‘taraweeh’ is specifically used for ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in Ramadan. So when they used to pray ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in Ramadan after four rakats they used to rest. So this word ‘taraweeh’ from that onwards it got stuck to this ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in Ramadan. Normally after four rakats they used to rest. And this has continued because one used to pray for long hours. And even now though they pray for short time yet in ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in Ramadan they rest and the word is still used as ‘Taraweeh’ but at the time of Prophet this word ‘taraweeh’ was never used. Even the sahabas never used this word. It came later on. So the more appropriate word is ‘qiyam-ul-layl’. But if a person when he reads for long time the ‘qiyam-ul-layl’ in Ramadan if he wants he can rest but it is not forbidden to rest. A person is tired he can rest but it is not compulsory that he has to rest either.
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Ch. 29, Hadith No. 6016

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

“By Allah he does not believe! By Allah he does not believe! By Allah he does not believe! he was asked “Who O messenger of Allah?” He said, one whose neighbour is not safe from his mischief”
Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Ch. 69, Hadith No. 6094

Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Truthfulness leads to Al Birr i.e. (piety, righteousness and every obedience to Allah) and Al Birr leads to Paradise , and a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a Siddiq i.e. (a truthful person).

Falsehood leads to Al Fujur i.e. (wickedness, evil-doing etc.) and Al Fujur leads to the Hell fire and the man keeps on telling lies till he is written as a liar before Allah.”
Q. if a person has a wet dream while he is fasting, does it break the fast?

A. (#DrZakirNaik): if a person has a wet dream during the day while fasting, maybe after Fajar Salaah he sleeps and he has a wet dream it is involuntary. A person has a wet dream even if he ejaculates it is involuntary he is not to be blamed for that. So in this case as it is unintentional surely it will not break the fast and he can complete the fast and the thing which is advised to him is that he should have a ‘ghusul’ a bath as soon as possible so that he can offer the Salaah.
Q. If a husband kisses his wife, is it permitted while fasting?

kissing and hugging while fasting
A. (#DrZakirNaik): While fasting if a husband kisses his wife or hugs her or shows his love for her by kissing on the cheeks or the lips or the hands or embraces her, all these things are permissible as long as it does not encourage him to go into an act which is haraam during fasting and this is very well stated by Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari, “Aisha r.a. says that the Prophet used to kiss and embrace his wives while fasting but he was best amongst you to control himself.” That means the prophet had the power to control. Similarly it is mentioned in Abu-Dawud, “Umar r.a. while fasting kissed his wife and immediately he feels sorry and he goes to the prophet and he says that ‘O Prophet i have sinned against you and Allah’ so Prophet says ’What have you done?’ he says ‘while fasting I kissed my wife’ so the prophet asked him that when you gargle or rinse your mouth while doing wudhu does your fast break?’ so Umar r.a. said “no!” so Prophet said Why bother?”.  Another hadith in musnand ahmad says, “A young man comes to Prophet (peace be upon him) and asks him can I kiss my wife while I am fasting? The prophet says ‘No!’ later on an old man comes to the prophet and asks him can I kiss my wife while fasting? and the prophet says ‘Yes!’ So the sahabas look among themselves that how come the answer is differing then the Prophet replies ‘this man can control himself’.” So the basic ruling is if a person knows that he can control himself after kissing or hugging his wife and he is sure it won’t lead to an act which will nullify his fast, for example it will not lead to a sexual intercourse or will not lead to ejaculation as long as he can control himself, kissing and hugging is permissible. If he cannot control then it is prohibited for him.
Q. Swallowing one’s own saliva during the fast, is it permissible act?

A. (#DrZakirNaik): It is a normal act, it is a natural act and science tells us there is several litres of saliva being secreted by the salivary gland every day. And it is natural that saliva a human being swallows it and it can’t be avoided. Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah Ch. 2 V. 185, after mentioning about fasting… “….Allah subhanwatala wants to make it easy for you and does not want to put you into difficulty.” So but natural swallowing saliva is a normal act and I know that people keep on frequently spitting out and I have some of my friends who does such type of thing and say “its haraam to swallow!” And keep on spitting and imagine if you have to do that full day you cannot even offer your Salaah properly. Because when you offer Salaah it takes few minutes and in few minutes the saliva gets gathered. So will you be concentrating on spitting the saliva or Allah subhanwatala? If you read the Quran you have to keep on spitting on the side always and I know some people who always keep a container and spitting out not knowing the ruling so if a person swallows the normal saliva that comes into the mouth it cannot be avoided at all. Same way a person breathes in the dust when a person goes to the city which is polluted and there is dust particles and you breath that and some of it goes into our lungs so all this is permissible because it is a normal day to day act and do not violate your fast at all.
Q. Is bathing allowed while fasting?

A. (#DrZakirNaik): As far as bathing is concerned i.e. Ghusul, whether it is done for a religious fardh if you are in a state of ‘junub’ i.e. sexual defilement or whether it is done to clean your body to remove dirt or you feeling sticky or bathing is done if you are feeling thirsty or you are feeling hot whatever reason it is done for as long as the person does not swallow water the fast does not get invalidated. Bathing is permissible while fasting and there are several hadith to show it is permitted. It is mentioned in Sahih Al-Bukhari that “Aisha (may Allah be please with her) says that Prophet got up from his sleep in a state of ‘junub’ (sexual defilement) while he was fasting and he took a bath and he continued his fast.” That means bathing is compulsory here as he had intercourse with his wife. Further if you read in Sunan Abu-Dawood, “Hazrat Abu Bakar (may Allah be pleased with him) says he heard a man saying that when the Prophet had gone to Al-Araje while he was fasting he poured water over his head because he was feeling thirsty or feeling hot”. So if you are feeling hot you are allowed to have a bath.  Furthermore it is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that, ”Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) he soaked his garment in water and he wore it”. In same chapter it says, “Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) had a tub of water in which he used to sit while he was fasting”.
Q. If someone falls unconscious for couple of hours, does this break the fast?

A. (#DrZakirNaik): Unconsciousness per say if it is for a short period like couple of hours while fasting it does not break the fast. There is a unanimous ruling among the ‘ulemas’. But if he is unconscious right from the beginning of ‘fajar’ (before dawn) up to sunset then his fast is invalid. He has to make up his fast after the month of Ramadan.
Q. If a person by profession deals with ‘riba’ (interest). Does this mean that there fast will not be accepted?
dealing with interest is a major sin in Islam

dealing with interest is a major sin in Islam

A. (#DrZakirNaik): As far as riba is concerned, it is a major sin. It is ‘gunahe-kabeera’ and ribah has been mentioned in the Quran in no less than 8 different places. Allah mentions it in Surah Al-Imran Ch. 3 V. 130, in Surah Nisa Ch.4 V. 161. It is mentioned thrice in Surah Al-Baqarah Ch. 2 V. 275, Also mentioned in same surah in V. 276, V. 278 & V. 279. And I will quote that last verse only in which Allah says, “Give up what remains your demands of usury and anyone who does not give up the demand of usury (interest/ribah) then take a notice of a war from Allah and his Rasool”.if anyone deals with ribah/interest/usury Allah and his Rasool will wage a war against you. It is most serious, it is a bigger sin then having Alcohol. It is a bigger sin than taking drugs. Because when you have alcohol or take drugs or have pork, it is a big sin but Allah and his Rasool will not wage a war against you. But if you involve yourself in ribah i.e. when you take or give ribah both of them are a major sin. So if a person is involving in ribah it will not break the fast per say because I have already mentioned the ten things that break the fast and this does not come in that but it is a major sin. A person should abstain from it throughout his life especially in the month of Ramadan which is a month of forgiveness and blessings. It will only reduce his reward for what he gets for fasting. His fasting will not be nullified, it will not be invalidated but the reward will be reduced and as our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “If a person does not leave his false actions and false talks Allah does not require him to leave his drink and eating.”

2 thoughts on “Dr Zakir Naik :: Question and Answer

  1. Assalomu alaykum, now I havae some books of shaikh ibn Taymiya, and shaikh Albani, but my madhab is hanafi, can I read their Fatwa books and follow? As I hear, most people say, they’re not from ahli suna, and it’s kufr to read their books, and they say that the book of ibn Taymiya on aqida,I mean (aqidai wasitiya) it mentions about the legs, or body of god, is it TRUE? This book is available , but I don’t read fearing it may harm my iman, and what would you say about them? Jazakallohu hairan

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